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About Me


From Keeping Books to Making Books


Panda Paper is the creative output of Cindy Au-Kramer, a bookbinder, who has taken 20+ workshops at the Center for Book Arts, NYC. Cindy is a member of the Guild of Book Workers.


Cindy, a CPA with a 10+ year  career at a Big 4 firm,  turned away from the corporate path of consulting and keeping books to follow the path of the craftsmen.  She uses centuries old bookbinding techniques and beautiful paper to design and create innovative paper products.


With two young kids, new ideas for conquering the chaos of an active family, through the power of bookbinding, will show up as new products.


Cindy's collection of accounting & MBA textbooks from her days at SUNY Albany and NYU are now used as paperweights for drying books! 





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